Thursday, February 28, 2013

Making the Best out of Senior Year

Hello there to everyone who is following me or even just glancing at this page every once in a while!  I have been pretty darn adventurous in the last week.  This past Sunday I competed at a freestyle skiing competition up at Snowshoe, WV.  I actually managed to come in first place!!!  With that came a free pair of skis, goggles and $250 to now spend the proper way, ON WINE.   Then reality came hauling back.  I had three tests on Monday and Tuesday all of which went pretty bad but hopefully everyone else did just as badly so maybe I will feel better.  But Monday was my birthday so even though I couldn’t do anything it was an ok day?! 

I would like to tell you about a little experiment I did on Tuesday night (not on purpose actually).  So I was drinking this Beringer Riesling which I gave a pretty good review to.  Now I was snacking on some pretzels before I started drinking this and holy crap!  Did it taste like pure sugar water or what??  I was shocked and almost turned off the bottle of wine it was so sweet.  But me being a poor college kid, I went ahead and kept drinking. Well I had then walked away and started to eat some chocolate covered raisins.  I poured myself another glass and the wine did a complete 360.  It was dry with beautiful flavors coming out and it was shocking because now I loved the wine.  To me it was amazing that something as simple as that could make such a big different. Now I know how important food pairing is with wine!

Finally piece of information before I let you scroll down and see what I have tasted this week… I have a very burnt tongue that I used to taste the wine and so I can’t promise these reviews are going to be accurate to even my standards.  I made some wonderful homemade chicken noodle soup last night for my Honey who is sick as a dog.  And I was so excited to try it that my tongue got the worst of it!  Now the soup was fantastic but my tongue definitely doesn’t like me right now.

Now read on and just for your viewing pleasure only, I hope your wine rack looks like mine (I know you wish you had a ski rack) J


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