A week
off from school usually means boring and relaxing at the same time for me. But things spring break was a little
different! Well first off I had five
full days of activities plan so it was finally not boring. The first Sunday I was home, I went did some
rock climbing at Sport Rock around the corner from me. I did an awesome upside down route which I didn’t
quite finish but was totally awesome!!
Then Monday, I helped my future Sister-in-law with making little tiny
boxes for her wedding in about 3 months now (EXCITING). While the box folding wasn’t that fun, it was
great to see her and talk about life in general. So with those two days already gone, I finally
got into the hard part of my week. The
first interview I had on Tuesday was plan awful. Why?
Well let’s just say I felt really dumb in the room surrounded by the
people I was being interview alongside with.
But hey, it was good practice so that totally counts right?? Then Wednesday interview went much better but
was still kind of so-so. The shop was
cool, the people were cool, the area was ok, but it was far away from school
which is where my other half is staying after graduation so that was a little
bit of a turn off. Then onto Thursday
interview…. IT WENT AMAZING. I was
really impressed with the people, the company and the interview style. It was the first interview that I thought was
challenging and actually tested me. The
only downside of it would be that my job for the first year ish would be to
write proposals. Yea, not so sure about
that one since my writing isn’t exactly professional (just read this paragraph!). We shall see if I get an interview but not
going to stress and continue to look around.
Now for
the part you want to hear about… THE WINE I DRANK. Well the first wine I had was a St. Francis
Cabernet Sauvignon. It was definitely tasty
and smooth and well just yummy. I didn’t
take notes on it because I just wanted to drink and my mom was asking me all
sorts of wine questions that I have learned from this class so filling her in
on that. Then, my dad brought my mom and
I a surprise… a 2004 Opus One. WOAH
nelly was that different! I did do a
wine review here but it covers my whole experience with this wine. The final highlight of my week was the
picture you see here. Yes that is 7
wines drank in one night by about 7 people.
It was my mom’s birthday and so we had a little get together of everyone! There was my brother and his fiancé, my other
brother and his girlfriend, my mom and dad and then me. Let’s just say I come from a long line of
wine lovers! If you would like to read
the story, click here and I will tell you about it and give some reviews on the
wine. Obviously they got better as time
went on!

Once I got
back to school on Friday, I did some shopping and got an AMAZING surprise from
my other half. He got me a Pandora bracelet
with two beads on it!! He totally
surprised me and I was not expecting it at all. I give him a lot of credit, even though I give
him a hard time a lot (especially if one of us I out of town), there is no one
else I would rather be with!! We then
did some usual wine tastings at the Vintage Cellar (this one was very good) and
went to a local winery. And by winery I mean
they have a little tasting room in downtown so we went there to test it
out. We actually quite liked there wines
and once it gets nicer I think I will drag the other half to their winery about
30 minutes away (then I will blog on that).
Then Sunday hit and now it is back to the final push of school work
before graduation!
Drink Up
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