Friday, February 8, 2013

Running - Sometimes it's not all its cracked up to be (but skiing is)

Ya know, sometimes running isn't all glorious.  Sometime you go out on a beautiful day and realize it is much colder than you thought.  Then your watch that you live by dies a 1/4 way into the run.  Then you make it about half way and realize you are starving.  Oh and then you when you turn the corner to finally head back to start, you are running into the wind and in the shade so you really start to get cold.  So you suffer through it and then when you get back home you are just happy to have not broken anything!  Yup, that was my experience this week so the stats below are going to be a little, well, incorrect.  Sorry about that...
Dist: 1.35 mi
Pace: 10:15
Avg Hr: 155
Calories: 117
Route: Apartment to 460 (what my watch recorded...)

In other news, there are 99 days until graduation!!  Celebrated last night with some roller skating and movies with popcorn.  Also, this past Monday I compete in a ski race in WV that I took second in!  Which meant I got free goggles (much needed), comp lift ticket, and a hat.  I also managed to get myself a free pair of North Face hiking boots out of the deal.  Not a bad deal for $60 spent to enter the competition.  Even though my running was on the weak side, I would crack this up to be a wonderful week :)

Get out there and run (or ski if you would like)!


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